After reading more about the grading contract there are a few things I believe in favor of this idea. First, I like the basis of the grading contract because it clearly lays out what is to be expected of me throughout the course. Another thing I like about the class is that I can easily see what is going to come as the course precedes; I know the layout of the course and will not be left guessing what we will be doing next. One important thing about the contract that I especially like is that it gives you the motivation and initiative to strive to do better than the B, you know what you need to earn that B, but also know what you need to go above and beyond to earn an even higher grade.  Concerning my online persona I would say I am still adjusting. I am still indifferent to using Twitter and other social networks knowing that my teachers can see what I am saying. Not that I am embarrassed or am trying to hide something, but I guess it is just a privacy thing and not a total norm. Furthermore, I must say that I do enjoy seeing what my teacher(s) tweet/how they interact with people because I feel as if I begin to know them on a personal level. Perhaps that is how they feel about following their students; maybe it is not so weird after all. On the blog topic, I am still not too experienced. Other than class blogs I have never really ventured out to read other people whom blog as a profession, or come across one that I thought way totally great. I would imagine that a “good” blog to me would be one that seemed honest, humorous yet serious, and well organized. Something I would like to do in the future is investigate and browse other blogs to see what I would consider a “good” one. 

Thinking about myself as a “technological” person is interesting. I was never too savvy with computers, but after my course experiences as Rowan thus far I have found many technologies extremely useful for writing. One technology I find very useful and feel most comfortable with is Twitter. Prior to Intro to Writing Arts I just viewed Twitter as a worthless social networking site but now I find it extremely intriguing. I find it very easy to research and connect with writers who have the same interests as me. It is very easy to collaborate on Twitter by simply following hashtags about a certain topic. After being introduced to Wordpress.com last semester I also found value in blogging. Though I am still not completely confident with this technology I love the structure and basis of this writing space. I like that you can archive and connect with others. More specifically though, I like that blogs can be as short or as long as you like, they are dated and organized, and they also can include videos, pictures, etc. I still struggle with little things that come along with blogging but I have definitely found myself interested in other people’s blogs as well as interested in creating my own. Overall, I feel like I now view technologies as major tools that can enhance my writing in many ways.