Thinking about myself as a “technological” person is interesting. I was never too savvy with computers, but after my course experiences as Rowan thus far I have found many technologies extremely useful for writing. One technology I find very useful and feel most comfortable with is Twitter. Prior to Intro to Writing Arts I just viewed Twitter as a worthless social networking site but now I find it extremely intriguing. I find it very easy to research and connect with writers who have the same interests as me. It is very easy to collaborate on Twitter by simply following hashtags about a certain topic. After being introduced to Wordpress.com last semester I also found value in blogging. Though I am still not completely confident with this technology I love the structure and basis of this writing space. I like that you can archive and connect with others. More specifically though, I like that blogs can be as short or as long as you like, they are dated and organized, and they also can include videos, pictures, etc. I still struggle with little things that come along with blogging but I have definitely found myself interested in other people’s blogs as well as interested in creating my own. Overall, I feel like I now view technologies as major tools that can enhance my writing in many ways.