I have never thought much about my means of being an oral communicator. I was unaware that communication had so many different elements. Besides things like how body language can be interpreted, I never thought about how much can go into an oral presentation. I typically think about an oral presentation as me standing awkwardly in front of this class with the help of a power point. I am excited about using different elements within my oral presentation next time such as a voice over or slide show because I think it would make it so much more interesting. 
I have used Jing before and was not much of a fan at first. It just felt awkward and it took me like ten times to finally get my voice to sound just right. That’s where my feelings changed though… the things that you can do with your voice to convey a type of emotion is the magic of the presentation. So, to say the least I am now a fan because I think there is so much you can do with an oral presentation instead of standing in front of the class in that awkward position. As far as it goes with being on the opposing side of being the speaker, and becoming the listener I think I am more skilled in that area. I actually enjoy listening to people talk and like to take in their opinions, ideas, etc. Listening to people allows me to understand them better and sometimes build a greater bond with them. 

Thinking about myself as a “technological” person is interesting. I was never too savvy with computers, but after my course experiences as Rowan thus far I have found many technologies extremely useful for writing. One technology I find very useful and feel most comfortable with is Twitter. Prior to Intro to Writing Arts I just viewed Twitter as a worthless social networking site but now I find it extremely intriguing. I find it very easy to research and connect with writers who have the same interests as me. It is very easy to collaborate on Twitter by simply following hashtags about a certain topic. After being introduced to Wordpress.com last semester I also found value in blogging. Though I am still not completely confident with this technology I love the structure and basis of this writing space. I like that you can archive and connect with others. More specifically though, I like that blogs can be as short or as long as you like, they are dated and organized, and they also can include videos, pictures, etc. I still struggle with little things that come along with blogging but I have definitely found myself interested in other people’s blogs as well as interested in creating my own. Overall, I feel like I now view technologies as major tools that can enhance my writing in many ways.