So far, for the advocacy assignment, I think that the collaboration is still working well. One problem that we had that was minor was that one of the members were on vacation so our communication could not be in person, it had to be via text or computer so that we could be sure to use collaboration regardless of the distance. Other than that though, I feel as if our collaboration has pushed us forward. We have been continuing to form what things we want to come from this as a group and what we really want our audience to feel and get from our project. If I had to do a similar project I would still choose to work with a group. I would like to work with a group because this is a campaign that will not just be reaching out to one group of people. The connections and ideas that my group has will reach and capture parts of an audience that maybe I never considered or could not relate to. Working with the group has only extended all of our ideas and thoughts about our advocacy. I feel as is work
So far I think that my group is moving along accordingly. We have completeled both the annotated bibliography and the design plan which can be found on our group Weebly account. At this point in time, I feel like our topic is still authentic and original. I am beginning to see the different ways we could take this visually and how much we could be creative with the outcome. I am looking forward to sharing the final project with the class because I am certain that our advocation for wine will be successful. The websites listed also have interesting visual advocacy campaigns. In particular, I like the site, their balance of color, text, and pictures is perfect. I think this is successful because the pictures it does offer provide the audience with personal connections to the issues this campaign is adovcating for. I also think that the font, color, size, etc. looks well organized and does just enough to catch the reader's attention to each point they are trying to make. I also like the campain for i amnotaloan. org. I think that the graphics they provide our very well put together. Unlike the women one this uses a lot less text, the visuals that our provided provide an interesting voice to the audience and they certainly caught my attention. I even signed up for the campaign after looking over the site and I definitely think it is an original topic.

In my opinion, collarboration is working together to acheive a common goal. In other words, it is not simply splitting up the work so that everyone completes something that is a part of the project individually, but more of bouncing ideas off each other. Coming up with designs, layouts, etc. can also be collaborative. The topic that my group has chosen is being advocates for the use of correct grammar. This is becoming something that has been lost mainly through the use of social networking sites. This poor grammar has carried over into college classroom,s academic journals, etc. the phonomenon of poor grammar needs to be ended for the sake of english so that is why my group feels so strongly about this topic. The difference between co-authoring and collabortation is that co-authoring is when you simply each contribute a piece of the puzzle but do not work on the puzzle together. Simply, everyone does one porition and puts it all together whereas collaboration people come together to work on all piece of the puzzle together. I have had experiences working in groups before and I am never really a fan, especially when I do not know my groups members. When I know my group memebers well enough for me to say, "hey, I think that needs more fine tuning" or "maybe add this and drop that" and I know they won't get offended, then I feel more comfortable. Other times, I simply just feel like I take on the majority of the work because the group members just simply do not care. Benefits of collabortaing are gaining points of view you never thought of, seeing things differently, being inspired by your group members, etc. The drawbacks are not getting along with the group, not being satisfied with the members, contribution, and more.
Advocate means to believe in something. To me, an advocate means
that you are passionate in the topic, event, etc. that you want to support this
cause. You have faith in this principle so much so that you would tell other
people or express your belief in this area. The items I collected are pictures
of flyers and brochures from around Rowan’s campus. In these pieces I think what
they do well at advocating is a few things. First, I think they are catchy and
allow people to be drawn to them. Next, I think that they give reasoning for why
you should be interested in the cause. For instance, my example if the “Mustache
March” and right on the flyer they write, “support Rowan’s march as we raise
money for the American Stroke Association”. This stands out to me because it
shows that these people stand behind the cause and that is easy to understand
because I may have known someone who suffered from a stroke, etc. so I would
want to become a part of this as well. I also have a flyer from Rowan’s
Christian Fellowship group, what I think this flyer does well in is making it
known that they are passionate about this group by listing numerous meeting
times and dates. I also like that they provide smaller groups that they have
formed by having meeting separated between men and women which shows that you
can become a part of this in many different ways.