Advocate means to believe in something. To me, an advocate means
that you are passionate in the topic, event, etc. that you want to support this
cause. You have faith in this principle so much so that you would tell other
people or express your belief in this area. The items I collected are pictures
of flyers and brochures from around Rowan’s campus. In these pieces I think what
they do well at advocating is a few things. First, I think they are catchy and
allow people to be drawn to them. Next, I think that they give reasoning for why
you should be interested in the cause. For instance, my example if the “Mustache
March” and right on the flyer they write, “support Rowan’s march as we raise
money for the American Stroke Association”. This stands out to me because it
shows that these people stand behind the cause and that is easy to understand
because I may have known someone who suffered from a stroke, etc. so I would
want to become a part of this as well. I also have a flyer from Rowan’s
Christian Fellowship group, what I think this flyer does well in is making it
known that they are passionate about this group by listing numerous meeting
times and dates. I also like that they provide smaller groups that they have
formed by having meeting separated between men and women which shows that you
can become a part of this in many different ways.

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