Forbes magazaines mentions one of our readings about how employers may wonder about individuals without a Facebook. Personally, I currently do not have a Facebook. Though I did for the majority of my high school and college life, the reprecussions just are not so worth it anymore. Sure, it is nice to keep in touch with people and see what they are up to, but the threats of future employers lead me to deactivate it. Again and again I heard about how the things on Facebook can really hurt your chances at a future career. I felt like I did not have any red flags that could actually be used against me, but the anxiety of someone snooping around on it was what made me want to delete it. I think it is unfair that an employer would think that someone is trying to hide something, because that may not always be the reality. I deleted mine because I did not want anyone I did not know looking for things they could hold against me. These days it seems like the littlest things could be used by anyone for anything. So mainly, to avoid all the stress and questioning whether or not it was a good idea tovent, or share my opinion, or upload a picture

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